A Better Shape with Robin!
First name
Last name
Confirm email
Phone Number
Your Social Media Link(s)
How did you hear about Robin's fitness and nutrition coaching program?
FB / IG Post
FB Group
DM Convo
What is your age?
What is your occupation?
What are your current health and fitness goals?
What do you struggle with most in health and fitness?
How on a scale of 1-5 how important is it for you to achieve your goals and change your lifestyle for good?
(1=not important now, 5=if not now then when, soooo ready!!!)
On this call, we may share our exact framework that our clients use to get fit for good & create a lasting healthy lifestyle. This program IS an investment in your health. Which of the following describes you best?
I have the financial resources and I am ready to go all in and make this HAPPEN!
I have the financial resources but I will need the mindset support to make this decision!
I do not have the finances but I am willing to get resourceful to make this happen because my health is important to me (credit, payment plans, etc)
I do not have the finances and cannot commit to this right now
Often times when I talk to clients they state they need to talk to a parter/spouse before making a decision. Do you confirm that your partner/spouse knows you are on this call & supports you making a decision?
Yes of course! He/she is already aware of how important they are and completely supports me!
No problem! I will let him/her know before the call how important this is for me.
I make my own decisions and investments.
Will you show up to the call prepared and without distractions?
Nope, I don't take my goals seriously
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